
Triangle tattoos are a popular choice for those seeking a symbol that is both simple and deeply meaningful.

These geometric designs can represent a variety of concepts, from spiritual beliefs to personal growth.

In this article, I will explore the various meanings behind triangle tattoos, their historical significance, and why they continue to be a favored choice in the world of body art.

Key Takeaways

  • Triangle tattoos symbolize a range of concepts including strength, harmony, and change.
  • Different orientations and types of triangles have distinct meanings.
  • These tattoos can be deeply personal, reflecting an individual’s journey or beliefs.

What Is The Triangle Tattoo Meaning?

100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)

A triangle tattoo meaning can represent;

  • Christianity
  • Wisdom
  • Harmony
  • Protection
  • Peace
  • Change
  • Progression
  • Femininity
  • Masculinity
  • Rebirth
  • Reincarnation

Why The Number Three is Important to Triangle Tattoos?

Looking at the dimensions of a triangle, its connection to the number three is evident straight away.

As we know, it has three points and three sides, which is obviously important to its physical shape.

However, the number also holds huge spiritual significance within many cultures.

Extremely scared to different belief systems, the number three is often regarded as the perfect number, symbolizing;

  • True Wisdom
  • Balance
  • Harmony

As such, triangles are closely associated with the number 3, and importantly the tattoo can represent your heightened sense of spiritual intuition.

100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)

The number is also tightly connected to the meaning of ‘all‘ as it represents the beginning, middle and end.

In this sense, a triangle tattoo can represent any set of three including;

  • Past, present and future
  • Mind, body and spirit
  • Thought, feeling and emotion
  • Creation, preservation and destruction
  • Father, mother and child
  • Mother, Maiden and crone
  • Waxing, waning and full

Triangle Tattoos In Christianity

As part of Christian belief, three equally divine persons are believed to encompass the one Godhead, so Christians often associate triangle tattoos with pure divinity.

100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)

The Bible references this as the Holy Trinity consisting of;

  • The Father
  • The Son
  • The Holy Spirit

In various illustrations, the doctrine of the Trinity is connected through a triangular shape.

As such, the three points are often used in reference to the Holy Trinity.

When tattooed in this context, triangles can symbolize Christianity and the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • A popular placement of the tattoo in the Christian sense is on the chest.
  • It can be a cool way to represent your love for God.
  • However, you could also use the placement to signify that you keep God close to your heart.

The Eye in a Triangle Tattoo Meaning?

Sometimes an eye is placed inside the center of a triangle.

Known as the Eye of Providence, or the all-seeing eye, it can represent another link to Christianity.

  • The meaning of the eye, however, can also be linked to other religions and concepts.
  • It is regularly associated with the dark arts through its well documented association as the Illuminati symbol.
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
  • But when tattooed as a symbol of Christianity, the popular design can be used to symbolize God’s omnipresence.
  • It can be seen as a symbol of your faith, representing the belief in God’s strength and protection over mankind.

It is commonly tattooed surrounded by rays of light that symbolizes divine providence.

What Is The Meaning Behind The Celtic Triangle Tattoo?

Celtic triangles are most popular in the Triquetra and Triskelion knotwork designs.

As is common throughout triangle symbolism, the number three’s significance carries special weight yet again.

Triquetra Tattoo


  1. Is a Celtic triangle knot that is popularly used to represent a symbol of love.
  2. It is commonly seen in wedding art and engagement rings, especially in Ireland.
  3. It is also very popular in tattoo form, and some couples will get a matching Triquetra tattoos before they tie the knot.
  4. It is also a pagan symbol used by the Celts, symbolizing the triple goddess.

Triskelion Tattoo


  • Is an archaic Celtic symbol designed in the form of a triangular triple spiral.
  • The tattoo can be worn to symbolize movement, motion and forward progression.
  • Specifically representing energies in relation to journey, competition, cycles and revolution.

To the Ancient Celts, the Triskelion represented the three Celtic worlds;

  • The Present World
  • The Spirit World
  • The Celestial World

What Does The Black Triangle Tattoo Mean?

Black triangles are effortlessly simple looking tattoos.

In many ways, its major appeal can be attributed in part to its simplicity, along with its meaning.


Black triangle tattoos can represent;

  • Peace
  • Harmony
  • Creativity
  • Integration
  • Illumination

Whether you like big tattoos or tiny, intricate ink, the stylish and sleek design can sit practically anywhere on the body.

In my opinion, I think it looks awesome as a small tattoo, however the option is there if you love to go big with large pieces of ink.

What Is The Open Triangle Tattoo Meaning?

Ideals of change and willingness to tread new paths is often at the forefront of the tattoo’s meaning.

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Known as the delta symbol, the open-ended triangle carries special meaning within Greek culture and history.

  • To the Greeks, the symbol represented the pathway to higher wisdom or new openings.
  • One side of the triangle is purposely left unconnected, symbolizing the open mind.

Someone who is not closed off to new possibilities and opportunities may find appeal in the open triangle tattoo.

What Does The Three Interlocking Triangle Tattoo Mean?

Three interlocking triangles create a nine pointed Norwegian symbol called the Valknut.

The Norse symbol is widely associated with Odin, the god of war, and translates to the “knot of slain warriors”.

  • As the name suggests, the symbol relates back to the death of viking warriors.
  • Linked to the nine worlds in Norse symbolism, its original usage represented magical powers and protection.

It was thought that the Valkyries would carry the slain warriors to Valhalla, AKA Viking paradise.

100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)

Today, the tattoo is still used to represent the afterlife.

As per its meaning in viking symbolism, the symbol signifies the father, the son and the spirit.

The three interlocked triangles can also carry meanings of reincarnation, protection and inner change.

What Is The Double Triangle Tattoo Meaning?

Double triangle designs are usually created in equal proportions, with each overlapping triangle created in the exact same superimposed size.

  • The two triangles can have different styles but usually of equal length.
  • The direction you place the triangles can have a bearing on the tattoo’s meaning.

Downward Pointed Triangles can represent the caring and kinder traits of a woman.


Somewhat reminiscent of the womb, the symbol represents the female elements water and earth.

In this context, the downward facing triangles carry meanings of;

  • Femininity
  • Fertility
  • Motherhood
  • The Moon
  • Shelter
  • Maternity
  • Emotion

Upward Facing Triangles are typically associated with men.

The triangle’s position itself looks like the male phallic, symbolizing both fire and air elements.

Upward facing triangle tattoos can represent;

  • The Sun
  • Solar
  • Father
  • Fire
  • Active
  • Strength
  • Masculinity

Opposite Positioned Triangles can symbolize both the male and female characteristics.

In a wider context, this kind of design can represent balance and two polarities.

100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)

What Does a Circle Inside a Triangle Tattoo Represent?

A circle usually represents wholeness or completeness, and when placed inside a triangle, it can symbolize wellness through the union of;

  • Mind
  • Body
  • Spirit

Anyone who has been to Alcoholics Anonymous will have a great respect for the symbol. In the world of AA, the symbol is known to represent the important steps to Recovery and Unity.

In this context, the tattoo can also carry underlying meanings of rebirth and new beginnings.

Fans of Harry Potter will also be all too familiar with the Deathly Hallows symbol. The difference with this triangle tattoo is the line drawn through the center of the circle.


The symbol itself represents the three major artifacts known as the

  • Resurrection Stone
  • Elder Wand
  • Cloak of Invincibility

Possession of the artifacts can symbolize becoming the master of death.

In this sense, the tattoo can symbolize your love of the Harry Potter movies/books.

The triangle tattoo can also carry meanings of immortality for some people.

Star of David Tattoo Symbolism

The Star of David is a symbol mostly connected to the birth of Judaism.

  • As the name says, it is a star, but the design is created out of two overlapping symmetrical triangles.
  • It is very important that they are both symmetrical.

Ever prominent on the Israel flag, it is most commonly recognized as a key symbol of Judaism and Jewish identity.

  • Within the Jewish religion, the tattoo signifies a symbol of God’s perfection and protection.
  • To the Buddhists and Hindus, it signifies balance and duality.
  • In Chinese culture, the symbol is linked to yin yang through the union of the male and female principles.

Triangle Tattoo Designs

100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
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100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
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100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)
100+ Triangle Tattoos With Meaning (Amazing New Designs)


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